I made a version of Nathan Friedly’s DuckDuckGo + Google Suggest search plugin that only uses encrypted endpoints, and I would like to share it with everyone else. It uses the encrypted versions of DuckDuckGo and Google Suggest so no one can eavesdrop on your searches (except DuckDuckGo and Google, of course).
In most browsers, the following link should work for you: Install encrypted DuckDuckGo with Google Suggest search plugin. If you are having any trouble installing the search plugin, refer to the detailed instructions by Nathan Friedly for the original search plugin. For manual installation in Opera, replace every instance of http:// with https:// and replace every instance of suggestqueries.google.com with encrypted.google.com.
Encrypted Google Search and Suggest search plugin
If you’re looking for an encrypted search plugin but want to keep using Google, I made that too. Install encrypted Google Search and Suggest search plugin.